Keep it Simple!

We've all heard the saying "keep it simple, stupid" or "KISS." But what does that really mean? When it comes to design, simplicity is key. A simply designed system is easy to understand and everything can be completed quickly. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of a using simple system!


One of the most important aspects of design is aesthetics. Aesthetics refer to the beauty or appearance of something. A simple design is often more aesthetically pleasing than a complex one which means that it’s simpler to understand and use as well, without sacrificing any of the functionality.


Another important aspect of design is functionality. Functionality refers to how well something works or how easily it can be used. A simple design is often ultimately more functional than a complex one. This is because it only contains the necessary parts, so there’s no confusion or ambiguity.


Usability refers to how user-friendly something is. A simple design is often more usable than a complex one. This is because a simple design is easy to navigate and use. There are no superfluous or extraneous elements that get in the way.


In conclusion, simplicity should be everyone’s go-to approach when designing anything — from motor finance to an Ikea bookshelf. A simple design is easy on the eyes, functional, and user-friendly. It contains only the necessary parts and eliminates anything superfluous or extraneous.

So next time you're thinking about your motor finance needs, remember to keep it simple!

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