Vision Updates
15th December 2022

Sue Simpson

Seasons Greetings

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the land

Not a car dealer was stirring, not even by hand

The cars were all parked, shiny and bright

Waiting for buyers to come and take flight

But then came Vision Funding, a savior to all

Bringing motor finance to help dealers stand tall

With its seamless process and fair rates to boot

Vision Funding helped dealers put buyers in the driver's seat

Now buyers can choose their dream car with ease

Thanks to the help of Vision Funding's expertise

And as Christmas approaches, the joy it brings

To see happy buyers driving off in their new cars with big grins

So here's to Vision Funding, a true holiday cheer

Bringing joy to car dealers and buyers far and near

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night

From Vision Funding, making car buying a delight!

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