New Beginnings

As Easter approaches with a hop and a jump,

Vision Funding is preparing to launch with a thump.

They have the answer to motor dealer's woes,

Bringing transparency and choice, to new heights they'll go.

For too long, motor dealers have faced frustration,

With limited options, and commission allocation.

But Vision Funding is here to make a change,

Empowering dealers with a whole new range.

With financing plans that are clear and concise,

Motor dealers can now offer their customers, a nicer price.

And the best part of this deal is true,

Vision Funding is paying dealers, 70% of commission, anew.

This Easter, as we celebrate new beginnings,

Let's welcome Vision Funding, with open endings.

A better way to finance cars, is here to stay,

And motor dealers can now have their say.

So be like a bunny and take a leap of faith,

And join Vision Funding on this exciting journey.

Together we'll make the motor finance industry versatile,

And give customers and dealers, a reason to really smile!

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